Refresh Your Tastebuds With These Paleo Lunches

The Paleo diet allows you to eat tons of delicious items, but when spring comes, you might want to try something new. This is the perfect time to explore different produce that is in season and experiment with new recipes. Here are some Paleo lunches to refresh your taste buds this spring.

Asparagus Soup

What you will find when you look up Paleo recipes for the spring season is a lot of them use asparagus. This is of course because asparagus is in season during the spring! It is low in fat and calories, super nutritious, and has a flavor that is flexible and forgiving, so you can add it to just about anything and it will taste great. Soup is a good option for lunch when you want something on the lighter side, especially if you are having a cold spring day. You can either do a vegetable soup with lots of asparagus, or do cream asparagus soup with some vegetable or chicken stock, heavy cream or coconut milk, and your choice of seasonings.

Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Who wants ordinary meatballs when you can have them taste just like buffalo chicken? This is a fun way to combine two popular foods into a flavorful dish for lunch. Plus, they are also low carb friendly, so if you have a friend that isn’t Paleo but on Atkins or Keto, this also works great for them as well. What you want to do is make the meatballs as you would ground chicken meatballs, but with seasonings to make them taste like buffalo chicken. So this might include some veggies like onion and celery, hot sauce, blue cheese, salt and pepper, paprika, and of course, egg to keep the ingredients together. You can also use lime juice, butter or ghee, and hot sauce for a sauce on the meatballs.

Shrimp and Avocado Salad

Salads are an ideal choice for lunch since they are light, easy to bring to work or to outdoor events, and super easy to keep Paleo-friendly. Shrimp is a fan favorite in the spring and summer months, plus avocadoes are also going to be in season during this time. Combine these ingredients with a bed of lettuce, some lime juice, and your choice of seasonings, and mix it all together. That is really all you need to do for a shrimp and avocado salad. Go ahead and add any other veggies you want to your salad.

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