Paleo Hanukkah Recipe Hacks

For many in the Jewish community who are struggling to live a healthy lifestyle, Hanukkah can be a real struggle. This is because many of the traditional Hanukkah foods are extremely delicious and extremely fattening at the same time. It …

Batch cooking

When you batch cook, you are setting aside a special day and time to make most, or sometimes all, of your meals. The benefit here is that you can easily reheat everything when you are ready to eat it, allowing …

Mason Jar Salads

Bringing salad to work is a great option, but you might be running low on regular containers. In this case, it can be easy and fun to use major jars. They let you layer the ingredients so everything stays fresh …

Grow These Herbs in the Spring

One thing you will learn about being on the Paleo diet is that you will be cooking a lot more. This involves using herbs and spices for seasoning your food, preferably fresh herbs while on this particular diet. Here are some …

Getting Calcium on the Paleo Diet

Following a paleo diet requires you to eat primarily meat and seafood, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. However, you aren’t going to be eating much dairy, if at all. While milk and other dairy products are often looked …

Paleo Candy For Halloween

Naturally, a struggle with being on any type of diet during Halloween is that you can’t have the candy, and paleo is no exception. On the paleo diet, you are very careful about the type of sugar you eat and …
